Writing a Hike or Trail Description

Part 1- Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 12:30pm-4:00pm

Trail Conference Headquarters
600 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ

Writing a Hike or Trail Description

Sunday September 29 12:30PM to 4:00PM and optional for Sunday Oct 27 12:30PM to 4:00PM

Trail Conference Headquarters

Have you ever wondered how to go about writing a hike or trail description? Join this  hands-on workshop to learn the ins and outs of writing a description based on who your audience is and what media you will be using. Learn about how to collect data and use a style sheet. 

To benefit the most from this workshop, you will receive some hike descriptions to read ahead of the first session as well as descriptions of folks who use trails. A discussion about those descriptions and about types of media will be a large part of the first workshop. 

If you are interested in writing hike descriptions instead of just learning how it is done, you should attend the second session. Your assignment for the second session  will be to take a 1.5-2.5 mile hike and write a hike description based on your choice of a trail user and what media in which it would appear. A style sheet will be provided which you can modify if you choose.

At the second session, you will receive feedback about your work. You will also learn about teaming up with someone who has a different skill set such as GPS skills or photography. 

Instructor: Jane Daniels co-author of Walkable Westchester

When: Part 1- Sunday, September 29 from 12:30PM to 4:00 PM

             Part 2 (optional)- Sunday October 27 from 12:30PM to 4:00PM

Where: Trail Conference Headquarters
600 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ 07430

This Event counts as part of Trail U curriculum.

Attending this worktrip will fulfill the "Non-Trail U NYNJTC Event" elective for any of the 3 curriculum tracks. Fill out your attendance in the Trail U Brochure to track your progress and earn a patch upon completion!

If you have any questions about Trail U, please email [email protected]


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